Hear from some of the people who we’ve helped over the years.
Dorothy Green...The Empowerer, Encourager & Restorer of my body, mind, & spirit. Forever Grateful - Vivian F. Price -
Just want to thank you for all you have done for me this year. My gratitude to you overflows and your kindness and devotion to your calling is evident to all. -Thanks again Jim S
Dorothy has validated my sincere belief that as human beings we occupy space in a universe that seeks balance through goodness and love. When that is disrupted the universe becomes unbalanced. Since human beings are part of the universe, we become unbalanced, sick, anxious and angry. When we embrace love, respect and goodness we allow our bodies to attain balance and we settle in our space in God's Universe. Dorothy is a facilitator of balance, energy, love, goodness and peace.-Tom Turley
I first met Dorothy at the Holistic Health & Healing Expo 2022 and felt an immediate resonance with her personality and healing approach. Her quiet and gentle mien belies the profound ability she wields to intuitively address the needs of her patients. Over the course of many months her unique holistic healing process has helped me steadily recover from a very frail health state. It is difficult to quantify the changes gleaned from each session, most times an immediate lessening of pain and discomfort, sometimes just a more subtle ease of body but always a lightness of being and a feeling of comfort when your session is over. Dorothy’s approach is heart centered, caring, gentle, intuitive and inspiring! I truly value her professionalism and heartfelt concern for each client. You cannot help but leave Dorothy’s Healing Center a little better than when you arrived! - Rose Mary P
Dorothy is an amazing healer …I was introduced to Dorothy and her wellness and healing after being diagnosed with an ailment of the liver. After 3-4 sessions she was able to improve my condition substantially which continued with ongoing sessions. No need for dangerous pharmaceuticals and procedures. Dorothy also treated me successfully for ocular hypertension. Her healing method and gentleness is amazing. I am grateful to have met Dorothy and plan to have a long positive and healing relationship with her. Pat F.
I have known Dorothy Green for about ten years, but I never fully understood the magnitude of her work until recently. This past fall, I experienced a recurrence of serious tachycardia that disrupted my heart rhythms. I couldn’t work for about a month and feared I would end up hospitalized. Dorothy immediately prioritized my healing and saw me three times a week for the next three weeks. I was amazed at her dedication and care. Remarkably, my heart returned to balance, and I have been healthy ever since.
Seeing Dorothy has been an incredible gift. Her healing center has profoundly impacted my life. I feel more energetic and have noticed positive shifts in my family, work, and relationships. The way I interact with my environment has improved significantly. Dorothy’s healing and guidance have been instrumental in my recovery and overall well-being. I am profoundly grateful to her. Without her care, I am certain I would have been hospitalized. Her compassion and expertise have truly been a blessing in my life. Gena P
I came to Dorothy years ago and she helped me tremendously with pain management. My son had a huge growth spurt one year and developed pectus excavatum, we went to see Dorothy and we were both amazed how his posture changed in one 30min session. Dorothy truly has some extraordinary ability to align and I am always amazed how quickly my body responds to it. Lene D
I hadn’t been feeling well for quite a while. I seemed to hit a wall of fatigue. Most of my free time was resting. All my blood work came out great with a slightly high cholesterol. Since there were heart problems on the male side of my family I decided to go for a "CT Calcium Heart Score" test to see the condition of my heart. A good score is 0-100 my score was 591 with one of my arteries at 454! I was shocked and so was my whole family. I seemed so healthy and I was really starting to take good care of myself. When I went to Dorothy she said we can move this, it is energy. I went twice a week for three months. The cardiologist put me on a statin medication. I also took supplements to support my heart and liver.
Three months later after having an echocardiogram, a PET scan, stress test and CAT scan. The cardiologist reported “Regarding your PET stress test- as we discussed prior. Now this test demonstrated no perfusion defects, and therefore normal flow despite having the coronary calcium noted on your calcium scoring CT.” This is great news! This test also examines squeeze function during both rest and stress, which again was normal and reassuring. Just for sake of completeness, this very thorough test also demonstrated the coronary calcium previously demonstrated on your other scan, which is very mild. Again as above, more importantly, this test demonstrates despite some calcium buildup, your blood flow is normal. Regarding your heart ultrasound, these results are normal. Additionally, all valves are doing what they are designed to do. Lastly, the various chambers sizes of your heart are normal."
Thank you Dorothy for giving me the faith to believe and the miracle of energy healing!
Linda S
I have always considered myself a bit of a skeptic whenever it comes to using anything other than modern medicine but I stand corrected after Dorothy Green treated me for a injured toe that I suffered from a Spartan Sprint that I participated in earlier that day. Within a matter of 15 minutes all the pain was gone even though my toe was swelled up and completely black and blue. Thanks to Dorothy, I was able to walk on my toe later that day with a splint which I ended up taking off the next day due to not needing it any longer. I highly recommend visiting Dorothy 's Holistic Medicine. -Sincerely, Barry Hess
When I first heard Dorothy speak at a wellness lecture I was spoken to. Her approach is direct, unassuming and true. Her methods date back centuries yet are relevant to our turbulent complex times today. I can walk, work and thrive again thanks to Dorothy’s techniques and encouragement. Amy B
I have been attending Dorothy’s Healing Center for the past six months. In that time, due to Dorothy’s bodywork and the vegan class I attended there with the emphasis on a clean, vegan diet, my total cholesterol dropped from 209 to 164. My bad cholesterol fell from 102 to 65 and my triglycerides fell from 144 to 93. I could not be happier with the results. Thank you Dorothy! Norma B
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Dorothy for all the help her bodywork has done for me during these past years. I have been coming to Dorothy for over 7 years and she is truly gifted and amazing. My latest ailment was cardiovascular related and my recent test showed to be clear. I couldn’t believe it. I am so grateful!!! Dorothy, I so appreciate you and I am glad you have become part of my family. Sincerely, Sherry E.
I first began going to Dorothy in July 2008. For the previous seven months, I had back trouble and a pinched nerve in my upper right leg. Four doctors from the Rothman Institute could not do anything for me, except waste my time. Having exhausted all resources, I decide to try Dorothyʼs services because I had nothing to lose. I originally was a little skeptical, but I tried treatment with an open mind. After the fourth visit, the pinched nerve finally began to go away, as did the back pain. After about six weeks, there was no sign of the pinched nerve and the back pain was significantly reduced. Now, the back pain is just about gone. I also have a fractured hip, which has been causing pain constantly. Since Dorothy has been treating me, much of the pain is gone. Once again, the doctors and any medication did nothing. Today, after seven months, I am able to sleep much better, lifting my feet while walking, and walking quicker. I am able to breathe better, and I have noticed a significant change in my diabetes. I am also in a much better frame of mind and take a more positive outlook on everything. Dorothy is a very caring and sincere person and she goes out of her way to accommodate and help her patients. She is very understanding and treats everyone as if they were her best friend. She is very highly trained and very knowledgeable, and without a doubt a top expert in her field. Al A
I became open to Reiki initially because I was fearful of a medical issue and wanted alternative means of achieving wellness. When I first met Dorothy she was so warm and kind and made me feel at ease. Now I am healthy and much happier than I ever was. Reiki allows the body to completely transform itself so that we can live beautifully. I now go to Reiki every week, no longer out of fear of an illness, but rather out of love of life. Crystal P
As a newer patient, I am incredibly grateful to have found Dorothy’s Healing Center. It is a true sanctuary for wellness and rejuvenation. Dorothy provides compassionate, knowledgeable, and holistic healing tailored to your needs. Each session leaves me feeling balanced, refreshed, and restored. I am still a work in progress, but I already feel the benefits of her healing approach. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a peaceful and transformative healing experience! Kelly M
Dorothy has helped me heal from so many different ailments! I truely do not believe I would have my amazing 10 year old daughter if she had not helped my body to prepare for her arrival! Thank you forever Dorothy! Sharis S.
Dorothy and I have been working together on my recovery and well being from a rare cancer for the past several months. Her ability to focus healing on specific areas of physical pain and blockages continues to reap benefits for me. I have less pain, higher energy and emotional balance. Most recently, my calcium levels have gone from elevated and of concern, to normal. Treatment with Dorothy has become part of an ongoing health and happiness lifestyle for me. Thank you Dorothy! With Gratitude, Catherine H
Dorothy, I have to tell you... my students were very impressed by you and still talk about coming back to see you again. I know they would be interested in anything you have to offer. Most are young with no money, but I really do think they would save for an upcoming class. We even talked about raising the money at school doing chair massages and bake sales so we are looking forward to coming back. Just let us know when you can have us. Thank you so much for making a difference in all of our lives! You are wonderful! Love, Maria
Thanks for today...loved it! Well, cleared my kids meridians for bed! I love this work! Thank you for teaching in such a dynamic manner that just draws one into the whole world of energy and holistic healing. Luv, Sandi
I have been a patient of Dorothys since 2014. I went to her because I suffered with migraines daily for 2 years. The neurologist I had gone to really couldn’t provide me with answers or treatment. At one point I was getting 32 Botox injections around the crown of my head every 6 weeks, although it was painful it did provide relief but I still had dull headaches daily accompanied by fatigue. Dorothy integrates energy modalities designed to release the nervous system. She touched my back one time, and I felt hot liquid run up my spine to my brain and down my leg. It turned out my headaches were caused by blocked spinal fluid . From that day on I’ve only had isolated headaches on occasion.
Fast forward 7 years. I stopped doing any public visits during Covid . During that time my back began to shut down. I had become basically bed ridden from 2020- Aug 21 . I made an appointment with my arthritis doctor who wrote me a script for a back brace, walker and a wheelchair, plus meds. Later that same day I also visited Dorothy for the first time in 2yrs. Within 2 weeks I was able to go on vacation . Needless to say I never got the script for the walker or wheelchair filled. I do use the back brace as needed.
Most recently I was struggling daily with long Covid symptoms shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, atrial fibrillation and fatigue. It took a few months of sessions 2-3x per week but I’m finally back to normal. Thank you Dorothy for your continuous care and unconditional support Deloris Hicks
I am so fortunate to have found Dorothy in the past year! I was suffering from hip bursitis that was very, very painful. I have been pain free since the second treatment and have continued seeing Dorothy every week for maintenance.
I was also developing knock knees as I got older. I am happy to say that she has reversed that and my stance is back to being as it was when I was young. Her experience and expertise are visible in her outstanding results and I would highly recommend her practice.
She is knowledgeable, patient and gentle. She is exceptionally generous in sharing all types of information to help me to preserve my health.
I plan to continue to work with Dorothy to preserve my health and with her help, to continue to feel empowered to change negative patterns. Mary N
Seeing Dorothy regularly for the past 3 years has magically healed many aspects of my being . At first she addressed my PTSD and extreme grief over the death of my husband. I had so much blocked energy in my neck and back, causing a heart/ mind disconnect and fragmented sense of self- plus physical pain. All of this cleared up! Dorothy also managed to tighten and strength my prolapsed uterus, allowing it to return to its normal position. Now each week she aligns and balances by body - a great help as I approach my 80th birthday intending to remain healthy. Whatever you need, she can help! Barbara Stapleton.
In 2018, I was diagnosed with gastric cancer and was told I had months to live. I began chemotherapy and continued with the treatments until I was too weak to go on. While recovering, I met a client of Dorothy Green. She explained that she had breast cancer twice and was pointed in Dorothy’s direction. She suggested I give Dorothy a chance to help me. As skeptical as I was I knew my life was on the line so I gave it a try.
Slowly but surely, strength returned and scans began to improve. Gradually, the cancer did metastisize to my brain. I’ve had brain surgery twice, radiation treatments, and stomach surgery, but I continued to see Dorothy who provided me with the strength and hope to heal and remain strong. I have a wonderful team of doctors who encourage me to continue working with Dorothy and admit that she provides a kind of strength and healing that they do not. A recent brain MRI came back totally clear and I am resuming my horse riding lessons this week. Not bad for a 74 year old with “terminal” cancer! Carol Obrien
Dorothy Green is an amazing instructor, facilitator and healer. Her ambitions and talent to bring Reiki Ryoho to today's youth is monumental to the spiritual movement and my wife and I are truly blessed to have the opportunity to have all 3 of our daughters exposed to such unconditional love and dedication...thank you, Dorothy. - Joe and Roxanne Blaum , Parents to: Felicia - 9, Mekehl - 4 and Taylor - 3 -
I had been in severe pain since 2011 due to 2 rear end collisions .I never used pain meds during that time.. Four months ago I was referred to Dorothy. You all can't even imagine the results I have had. I barely have any pain at all. I am now able to do things that I have not been able to do in 5 years. It is not just the pain relief you experience, it is the entire body well-being I feel after her work. I leave the pharmaceuticals alone. Dorothy's vast experience is what makes this experience worthwhile. Its her gentle caring demeanor that also enables healing. I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and how you have changed my life. It is my goal to be able to enjoy my love for riding horses.- You have made this possible! Susan K.
I have been on thyroid medication for over fifteen years. I did some research on nutrition for thyroid health and changed my eating habits. Because of this I was able to lower the amount of dosage needed for my thyroid. But, it wasn't until seeing Dorothy on a regular basis, where she worked on my thyroid, that the big change took place. I am thrilled to report I no longer need to take any thyroid medication. Something I thought I would have to take for the rest of my life is now no longer necessary. Thank you Dorothy. Carol R
Thank you Dorothy for your healing energy and superior knowledge of health and wellness. Once I began treatment with you, my nerve damaged tongue corrected itself within 2 months. I have suffered with my tongue for 2 years enduring horrific pain. Progress had been slow. Adding your services to my home health program catapulted healing. I am delighted at how quickly I healed, it felt like magic. I highly recommend you to anyone who is healing, your work brought ease and expedience to my recovery process. Thank you again for bringing your practice to Narberth, Pa and helping me become whole again. I am so very tickled that this healing process took so much less time than originally anticipated by doctors. With my tongue and facial muscles firing correctly now, I have my smile back and feel more at ease. Leslie T
Back pain brought me to Dorothy. I had been to several doctors and they said there was nothing they could do for me and gave me a brace. I also suffered from anxiety and depression. With in 2 sessions my anxiety went away and I felt like I could do what I want again. I don't have back pain anymore or depression. Also after 2 years I realized I was not taking my pain medication for my fibromyalgia. I feel like I have conquered the fibromyalgia! Janet F
I am a person who believes in holistic self care. I met Dorothy when I attended her wellness lecture at her center. I was introduced to a holistic technique to aid in my healing. I have suffered a great deal of trauma in my life, resulting in a voice disorder, body tension and anxiety. I have been working with Dorothy for a few months and I am improving with each miraculous session. I am trusting this integrated bodywork to clear my blockages: body, mind and spirit. I am grateful to Dorothy for activating the innate wisdom of my body to heal itself. I encourage anyone who is seeking holistic healing and overall well being to connect with Dorothy. - Beth D.
For more than a decade I experienced chronic daily pain and fatigue due to debilitating neck pain and Fibromyalgia symptoms and lacked any sort of ENERGY. I spent a lot of time on the couch. Over the years I had become well-versed in alternative remedies and took holistic classes from Kripalu and The Open Center and received bodywork continuously. I also worked on myself when I had a flair-up. However, all that “work” and knowledge never lasted. It was deeply frustrating and I had honestly given up hope that I would ever get better, even though I knew in my heart and down to my bones that our state is to be in homeostasis and anything is possible. Dorothy’s facilitating changed my life!!! She goes right to the source of the pattern(s). After seeing her I no longer have intense, violent flair-ups, my neck and generalized pain has gone down dramatically and I am motivated to LIVE my life out loud with energy to spare. On a personal note, she lives from the heart space. She is helpful, kind and deeply cares for her client’s wellbeing. I also highly recommend taking her Reiki seminars. Sally Kyle- owner of “Paws 4 Healing”
After 35 years of dealing with MS, I was slowly losing my mobility. Two weeks of treatments with Dorothy, my spine is stabilizing and I am continuing to improve with every treatment. But the most important thing is she gave me was hope. I am forever grateful. Leah D
Meeting Dorothy has changed my life. I initially went to her because I had health issues. The transformation that my body made through bodywork was so vast that I wanted to learn more. Her Reiki certification courses combined with her transformational bodywork has forever changed the way I see healing. I now know that the body can heal itself through regular bodywork and meditation. Although my health issues have been gone for over 12 years, attending her healing center regularly has become an integral part of my healthy lifestyle. I continue to refer family, friends and clients to her because I know and trust that they will be in the best hands possible. Hands down, Dorothy is one of the most advanced healers in this industry. Crystal P.
I felt better from day one. Amazing and powerful on so many levels. She truly cares and will teach you how to take care of your body, mind and soul each session. Suzanne S
Daniel has been seeing Dorothy for a few years. From his first visit, he was comfortable with her. Dan is medically complex and has had multiple surgeries due to birth defects because of his genetic abnormalities. When we must visit a doctor’s office, he is immediately upset from the traumatic experiences of the past. The exact opposite occurs at Dorothy’s office. He walks in and is immediately happy. He knows his routine and gestures for me to take off his socks and shoes before walking back to the treatment room. He doesn't talk yet, but at four years old, he knows he is supposed to lay down and put his head towards the top of the table. He loves communicating with Dorothy in other ways besides talking. She truly seems to understand him. We go to Dorothy as part of a holistic approach to Daniel’s health needs. Even though some of Dan’s surgeries were lifesaving, it doesn’t mean they weren’t traumatic to his little body. Dorothy helps Dan with his aches and pains associated with spinal cord and foot surgery from when he was an infant, along with speech and feeding difficulties. It is apparent after a session with Dorothy that Dan feels more balanced, and his communication and participation in everyday activities increases. - Brielle Dobie, BSN, RN, CHHC (Mom of Daniel)
Since I’ve been coming to Dorothy for a year and four months, I fine myself feeling much better than when I started. I had multiple health problems that have variantly gone away. When I come through Dorothy’s Healing Centers door I already start to feel better. I believe Dorothy is a master of her skills of Reiki, Craniosacral, and Integrative body work and she continuously teaches me about my health. - Joe S
Working with Dorothy has been a great experience, she is so kind and eager to help her clients. I did not have many physical issues when I started, but I did have “stuck” emotional patterns that I needed to move on from. After our weekly sessions I noticed that my old patterns would come up to the surface. Instead of the emotional pattern repeating, I could feel it dissipate from my body! With Dorothy’s help I have moved through years worth of patterns, and she has helped my nervous system to regulate. It has been a great help for my health, well-being, and overall happiness. Amy C
You have an amazing ability to work with people and help them move the old stuck energy that prevents them from feeling healthy and relaxed. You have made such a difference in my life. I'm very thankful to have met you. Peggy K
Dorothy truly knows how to listen to the body! I came to her for my back issues due to a snowboarding accident, but what she also discovered was a slight shaking in my left arm and wrist. I never knew the connection was being blocked and I would have seen later issues. Thankfully, within less than 4 months I have better strength in my back and an arm with no shaking! With the amount of knowledge Dorothy has she can work with anyone to help better improve your life physically and mentally. So very thankful for her for teaching me to listen to my body! - Desiree D
I started seeing Dorothy because I felt totally “stuck’ and out of balance in my life emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. I was just coming off of a 3 year journey supporting my grandson who was diagnosed with leukemia at 3 years old. While I did pursue “medical” help I knew my issues weren’t just physical, they were more on the energetic level. I couldn’t eat or even drink water without major stomach pain. I was miserable. I have been a Reiki Master Teacher and Integrative Healer for almost 20 years, yet my body seemed to have forgotten how to flow its own energy. I knew I needed to help and Dorothy provided exactly what I needed to help my body remember how to heal. I once again feel connected to myself. My stomach is no longer congested with old “stuck” energy, I feel inspired to eat a nourishing diet rather than a depleting one. As a result of how much better I feel my whole life is changing. I feel like myself again. Namaste, Ginny S
After 3 years of not having a diagnosis for my inflammation, Dorothy healed me in 240 minutes over 4 weeks. Her knowledge of the body and ability to reconnect what is out of alignment is far beyond what is available through doctors. If you’d like to stop taking medication that is masking the root cause of your issue, I’d encourage you to see Dorothy. I'm grateful and amazed. Renee R